Does Acrylic Paint Dry Faster in Heat or Cold?

Acrylic paint dries relatively quickly because it is water-based, especially compared to other paints that dry more slowly, like oil paint.

The length of time it takes to dry depends on various variables, including the humidity level in the room and your proximity to an open window.

There are several strategies to ensure that acrylic paint dries fast, including utilizing them in the appropriate atmosphere, keeping your paint layers thin, using primed substrates, and allowing them dry in a warm, open window room with a fan.

Read on further to know whether acrylic paint dries faster in heat or cold:

Does Acrylic Paint Dry Faster In Heat Or Cold?

The heat speeds up the drying of acrylic paint. Many people hold the false belief that something left in the cold will dry relatively immediately.

With acrylic paint, this is unquestionably not the case, and here’s why:

This paint uses a water-based media composed of a pigment and a binder. They combine to give the acrylic paint its distinctive appearance.

It is common knowledge that acrylic paint must be diluted with water before usage. The speed at which the acrylic paint dries depends on how hot the water is.

But not all acrylic paints dry uniformly.

It has been found that less expensive acrylic paints dry more quickly than some artists’ acrylics.

Additionally beneficial to the drying process is air movement. For instance, you can hasten the drying process of acrylic paint by moving a fan around.

How To Make Acrylic Paint Dry Faster?

Thin Layers

Applying thinner layers is one of the simplest and most cost-free ways to dry acrylic paint faster. The important aspect of painting is that paint dries more quickly when the layer is thinner.

Even if you paint in thin layers and are eager to finish, make sure to wait until the previous layer is completely dried before adding another.

No matter what surface you paint on, thin layers are essential. Acrylics can stick to glass, plastic, or metal but always maintain thin layers.

Warm And Dry Environment

The environment plays a huge role in the drying process. It is among the most crucial factors for painting, storing, and moving artwork. I refer to the temperature, humidity, and airflow as the environment.

Your acrylic paint will take 20 to 30 minutes to dry. Try this if you still want it to dry more quickly:

  • Work in a warm, low-humidity space. The drying process will go faster at higher temperatures.
  • Use a fan or hang your painting somewhere with modest ventilation. The airflow dries the region, which also keeps the paint from getting moist.

Using A Heater Or Hair Dryer

Almost all of us have a hairdryer in our homes. This can be a simple method to speed up the drying process of acrylic paint.

If you use this method, make sure to take the following safety precautions:

  • Only use the mildest heat
  • Avoid blowing air too close to the painting and lingering in one spot for too long. Otherwise, the heat may result in cracks or bubbles, affecting the quality and even the colors of the paint.
  • Make sure the space is well-ventilated by using a hairdryer.
  • The hairdryer can be substituted with a heat lamp, a heater, or a heat gun. Please be careful because a heat gun is much hotter than a regular hairdryer.

Utilizing Quick-drying Paint

Certain acrylic paints dry quickly, and some dry slowly. Acrylic paints typically dry quickly.

Simply avoid choosing slow-drying paints if you want your acrylics to dry more quickly.

It is believed that acrylic student-grade paint may dry a little more slowly than artist-grade paint.

Acrylic Paint Drying Time Factors

Check out the typical factors affecting Acrylic Paint Dry Time:

Temperature and Humidity

These are the most significant variables that affect how quickly acrylic paint dries. The manner in which how quickly or slowly water content will evaporate depends on the temperature and humidity. 

While humidity slows the process, the high temperature will lengthen the drying time. The moisture content of the air is the issue at hand.

Circulation of Air

Your surroundings’ air circulation also influences how quickly or slowly you dry. It is advised to keep your painting project away from heaters and air conditioner vents. Humidifiers, open windows, and ceiling fans can also influence the drying period of acrylic paint.

Types of Paint

A key element in paint drying is paint thickness. For customers, brands have created a variety of acrylic paint varieties. While others encourage fast and slow drying, some contain thick layers and firm films. As is common knowledge, thick film dries faster than multi-layer paint.

Painting Tricks

Paints of professional quality can dry in 10 to 30 minutes. In addition, the drying time depends on how you paint. Surface painting can be done using a roller, brush, or sprayer. Each tool’s advantages and drying time are different.

Spray acrylic paint leaves behind a thin, quickly touchable layer. You have to wait for hours for the subsequent coating.

A thick layer of paint was added by rolling or brush painting. It takes longer for this heavier paint film to dry.


What stops acrylic from drying?

Therefore, the longer the acrylics stay wet, the wetter the air around them is. You might not be aware of how much the workability of the paints is impacted by painting in a dry atmosphere. The acrylics will dry more quickly as the air becomes dryer. Acrylic paints stay wetter in the damp air.

Does acrylic naturally dry out?

Gel nails are cured under a UV lamp; thus, acrylic nails must be applied promptly since they cure when they come into touch with air. Also, gel nails don’t require mixing polymer powders because they are self-sufficient.


Heat makes acrylic paint dry much more quickly. However, the answer is “no” in cold temperatures and remains wet for a long. 

The moisture in the paint evaporates and dries quickly as a result of the intense heat. It will also dry quickly in the heat because it is constructed of pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer emulsion. 

However, the situation is different in cold weather because the acrylic takes longer to dry because of the high moisture content.



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